Thursday, 16 July 2020

A Series of Useful Things for GPs / GP trainees

Is the GP best placed for Mental Capacity Assessments?

The short answer is no.  But sometimes one needs to know why,  and have a polite answer as to why.
Here is useful article from Lawskills.

Covert administration of medications 
(often something that needs to be discussed with relevant teams for patients with mental capacity deficits e.g. due to dementia etc)

From the CQC
NICE guidance.

Advice and support links
BMA GP practice

Jobs board

On Computer systems used within the GP world. Emis. deliberately blurred I think to protect patient details. Allows overall gist and look and feel. Very few things that need to be aware of in emis.

Pdf file on EMIS web for clinicians

Pdf file on  Adastra for clinicians

As a  GP, the most important things one wants to know with a computer system is:
- where to put the consultation
-how to access patient record
-how to save after Consulting
-how to issue and print prescriptions
-how to check patient history
-and how to to see your patient list
-how to call them into the room
-also knowing repeat medications
-how to check lab path results.

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