Friday, 20 May 2016

AKT & CSA: onwards we struggle, resources, links, revision tips, ideas, a place to put this stuff down in the hope this crappy exam we may sail through

AKT : and we struggle on, and we hope to reach the end, and we search for useful resources, and we put them where we can

This website, is really a gem from someone else who has worked hard to revise some of the more annoying things with respect to AKT in video format. Also other useful GP training related tips. The home page may be relevant for the medical students of you, and for the those who have qualified but need a refresher in mindmap fashion.  (for those doing AKT)  (for GPs - a nice training resource)  (all about the site)  (for the medstudents)

Then, we have the famous BradfortVTS webpage  (this is basically the GOLDEN PAGE for more links eg to RCGP etc)

And finally:  [everything else you need to know about it from the horse's mouth, the RCGP]
AKT sample paper with answers
AKT April 2016 Feedback report

The rest of this page, or remainder of this blog may end up having a lot of AKT//CSA related stuff, as part of ongoing revision. Sadly, having failed this twice, I'm pulling my teeth out. Will let you know how things go, and what gems I discover along the way. Please share with me as you feel fit, because together our overall aim, I would hope, is to be better doctors for the benefit of all......

I would highly recommend anyone in the UK to access the following -
Dr Nigel Giam's courses - I found personally very helpful, in particular regularly reviewing his videos, and the AKT and CSA courses I did with him. He is dedicated in  what he does and has seen so many students that he can  spot easily the weaknesses with advice to improve.   He is also on  facebook, and can be followed there.

I would also recommend the courses provided by Emedica.
There is an online AKT mock test one can try.
They also have a really good 'Life after CCT' course, comprehensive, and a booklet to go with it, useful work and costings.

And finally, if anyone is really struggling to find someone to practice with, I do know someone who has offered his time for a cost via Skype/video learning, in order to help those struggling - as we know, there are those in  some VTS groups where there are such a minimal number of trainees, perhaps one is an international medical graduate and there aren't many people in your peer group to practice with, or there aren't any people willing to give time or make time for you. Drop a comment and will see what we can do. However, I understand that in light of Covid - the exam format may have changed somewhat. Dr Giam has more on this.

There are also other groups of interest too, this eg AroraAman and BeejShah (medlighten)  I don't have personal experience of these but Beej has plenty of useful material on facebook.